Monday, October 5, 2020

The Four Corners


   From the sidewalk opposite The Academy Building you now need to walk north to Main St. and head east two blocks to the east corner of Main St and Exchange Blvd. From here you can look across the street to the northwest corner of Main and State St. at out next landmark, The Powers Building.

   Also designed by Andrew Jackson Warner, the Powers building was initially built in 1869. However, due to the owners' obsession with having the tallest building in the city additions were built in 1874, 80, 88 and 91 ending with the tower and flagpole. Looking at it you can see where the original construction ends and the newer additions start being that the popular style of architecture changed over time. 

   For me, the first time I saw it I was struck by how majestic it looked. It definitely exuded its' name "Powers" When I learned the quirk of its' architectural style I had to laugh at the pomposity and arrogance of the original owner. However, that fight to be the tallest left us with a unique building with a flair for style. When researching to find out what had changed on this building, beyond the obvious changes to the ground floor I was pleasantly impressed at the fine details included that sadly are no longer there.

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Virtual Walkabout

A City Full of History

      Welcome to the Rochester Virtual Walkabout. From here I will walk you in a big loop from Fitzhugh to Main St, up to East Ave., back to...